New to Home Assistant. looking for advice where to start

Hello all! I am new to Home Assistant but have been in home automation since about 2016. First on SmartThings, and most Recently Hubitat. While I plan to keep Hubitat as my main system, there are some things I would like to do that require Home Assistant. I purchased a Beelink S12 Pro Mini PC with the intention of using this for Home Assistant. AS I’m starting to dig into how to proceed with setting this up my head is really spinning. What is the best way to proceed? Is it possible to set it up in a what that once it’s up and running I can just connect it to my switch and access it from a browser? I should receive the Beelink today and would like to get this set up this week if i can. Any advice or tips is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Welcome to the forum. I would start with this link to go over the HA installation options and instructions. You should be able to set up offline, then access within the network from a browser. Installation - Home Assistant

I’m running windows10 on a dedicated mini-desktop, with a VM for Home Assistant. I followed this guide to install- quite simple in the end. Home Assistant Windows - Ultimate Guide for Your Smart Home

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