New to Home assistant, SSH root privileges

Hey All,

I’ve installed Home assistant image, however I can’t for the life of me figure out how to SSH to the raspberry pi with root privileges. The SSH addon is installed however this only lets me run things inside the HA container.

I’m trying to get my PS4 added to Home assistant but I need to be able to installed a few things from repos however if I do this within the SSH addon then it says “apt-get” or “sudo” command does not exist.

If it helps I’m trying to follow the following tutorial - I need to run the following:
`$ sudo su -

curl -sL | sudo bash -

apt-get install nodejs -y

npm install ps4-waker -g`

Save me please!

You simply CANNOT do this.

HASSOS is not a generic operating system that you can run whatever you want in. HASSIO was not intended for this use case.

If you want access to install things, you need to use HASSBIAN or install it manually in a python Virtual Environment. The other alternative is learning how to use DOCKER and use the hassio install script.

Easiest way is installing Raspbian lite and setting up ssh root access. Install docker and any other required dependencies using apt-get and then install hassio.