Hello all
I trust you will all take this as a constructive post. I may be providing an opinion already voiced and is so i apologize for wasting your time
I’m new to home assistant although i love it. I am only now beginning to understand it.
I am migrating from a vera plus solution (way simpler solution however limited).
I struggled to no end with the installation and i finally got it up and running on debian (thanks to the patience of the individuals on in the community)
In my opinion (from a lame end user point of view) i found the installation over complicated, poorly documented on your site and with youtube videos offering diverse solution options (but not consistant).
I am not tech savvy by no means.
I currently have HA supervised on debian 11 on a laptop with a z-stick USB. and it is working fine (i will be adding a zigbee USB and (i hope not) shelly devices
IMHO i would suggest a review of your solution installation architecture and processes.
you have HA core, supervise and OS
I would suggest that HA supervise be an “addon” to HA core from the addon store (not a separate installation solution) and HA os be able to be install as a native os on all devices. This would simplify and make more consistent forums posts and youtube videos
The diverse platform architecture might this be difficult and expensive to do. i understand. However i believe that it would be in the long run, more economical to maintain and support
I understand that HA needs a container to work properly (or a VM). Fine. there are containers (or VMs) that could be installed on linux. ios, windows fbsd, PI, android and others, be it on a pc, mobile, server, or Pi.
this would greatly simplify the installation, the support and maintenance of HA and increase its market penetration.
Then issue will be to install the container or vm on the device for that platform not HA. both container and vm installations are well documented.
This would be easier to install on more powerful devices.
such a solution could bring a more simplified addon store ( currently HASS.io, Core integration, supervisor integration, and hacs) Now the only distinction would be supported addons and not
if this has already been discussed or brought forward … sorry ( i did not see it)
Be this as it may, I truly like HA and especially i would like to thank the community for taking the time and their willingness to support your users.
I would be happy to help if i can
Regards to all