So, I was using the Sonoff Zigbee2MQTT and got everything connected. Then the same bulbs, about ten out of ninety of them started going offline. I would turn off the power and repower it, work for about six hours then go offline. It is just ten light bulbs. I bought nothing but Sengled at first but to cover the network, I bought several Sonoff switches and put two or three in everyone. To put them to visual use, I added a night light and use one of them for Christmas lights (still connected). Still after several days, the same ten bulbs go offline. I would delete them and reconnect them, same thing.
Then I tried another channel, knowing that this would crap out the network. I went from 11 to 25. My complete list is gone. The only items that connect are the Sonoff switches. But everything else, including the Sylvania router bulbs, all Sengled non-router bulbs, temperature sensors, door sensors, motion sensors are not connecting at all. After two days of trying, it back on channel 11, uninstalled MQTT Booker and Zigbee2MQTT, I decided to switch to ZHA by default channel 11. The only Zigbee device that connects are the Sonoff switches.
Previously, I was using Smartthings. I decided to add Smartthings to HA and reconnect everything back to Smartthings. Guess what? Only Sonoff connects to it. No other device in the home is reconnecting. I am so puzzled; I cannot believe it. I thought, reconnect everything to Smartthings, delete all automation and scenes and use HA to control Smartthings for now until I can figure out what is going on. Now I am dead in the water, now having to get up my lazy behind, and use the switch on the wall to physical control turn-on a smart bulb (LOL!). I am going to give my brain a rest for a few days and go back to the ancient days of handling lights in a room until I can figure out what to do next.
BTW, I kept five devices on Smartthings and they work simply fine. Now that I offloaded Smartthings off all automations and other things, Smartthings works fine now. I wish not to return to Smartthings. What I may do, if I can connect the devices back to Smartthings, is to use HA addon.
Any ideas about what happened here? It almost feels like my neighbor has Zigbee blocker and is not allowing me to connect any Zigbee devices. It feels that my devices do not want to talk anymore. Any ideas and help would be appreciated. Right now, I have uninstalled MQTT and Zigbee2MQTT addons. I have Tuya and Smartthings running now with only five devices out of 80 or so devices that are not smart anymore.