I am thinking of buying a curtain motor that I want to control with zigbee. I can’t figure out what the cheapest way to send/receive zigbee info using my raspberry pi3 that has hassio on it.
What’s the best zigbee usb dongle to send info and what will I need to receive the zigbee info on the motor side?
Not sure there is only one answer to your question.
The motor is likely driven by a switch, so make sure the switch has a zigbee option. I was not able to find one that fitted for me, so I chose a Tuya Touch switch that I have integrated with the Smart Home component and works great.
If you find a motor with zigbee, then have a look at this:
It is but I can’t find the hardware needed to control a motor like shutter blind motor…
They have the Xiaomi aqara for curtains but can’t find anything for blinds. Was thinking of creating a device on my own using xbee and a motor shield but not sure if it’ll work nor if it’s the cheapest way to go…