New UI editor (2021.3.?) for Scripts/Automations immediately triggering SAVE button with no edits?

Is anyone noticing that in the last couple releases with the newly revamped UI editor that when you edit a script or automation that some of them immediately display the SAVE button even though you have not changed anything? Click SAVE, close, re-open and it’s there again…

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Yes it always seems to do that for me when I rarely play with the GUI editor.

Okay, so I spent several hours the other night delving into this new nuance. The issue seems to be that unless you select and fill the OPTONAL fields for a service call, the new UI will trigger a SAVE when you re-open it. I had like 6 or so automations doing this. I painstakingly copied the YAML out of them into notepad, deleted them and started recreating them, saving, closing, re-opening them after each step. Try for example a simple notify.pushover…unless I select and fill in the title field, the new UI would trigger the SAVE button upon re-opening. Same for service call lock.[lock|unlock]…without specifying a user code the UI triggers an immediate SAVE when re-opening. light.turn[on|off|toggle] also but I did not play with its optional options.

Can you test this and confirm what I’m seeing???

Can’t till Sunday as I’m on an iPad away from home. Interesting observation and seems to be a bug to me. Did you file a report?
It’s honestly never bothered me because I just write my automations in YAML and only play in the GUI editor if I am nesting multiple and/or condition combinations and then I past the resulting yaml back into my main automations file till next time…

Yes, I filed a bug report which I thought I had resolved via automation.yaml cleanup and I closed it but after it returned and my extensive debug two nights ago, I re-opened it…

I usually use just the UI but sometimes revert to yaml to get a condensed view of multiple choose/conditions for analysis.

Yes, it appears they neglected to observe the options as optional when loading into UI editor…
I’ll forgive them!

I got burnt once with comments disappearing so I have all my automations in a package that the GUI cant touch. My system is pretty much how I want it now so I rarely make any changes.

Looks like we might get it fixed…