New Unifi Dream Machine, now HA can't access internet

I replaced my old router for the Unifi Dream Machine, now HA can’t seem to access the internet. I set a fixed IP to what I used before but still no luck. I’m guessing it’s something in the Dream Machine but I can’t figure out what. Example of a few of the log entries:

Error requesting Home Assistant update data: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Try again]
9:16:55 PM – (ERROR) Updater

Error during setup of component cloud
9:16:50 PM – (ERROR) components/cloud/

as thats a public address look like you cant see the outside world

Did you set a a vlan the WLAN side of the Dream machine


ring you provider and ask then WHATS the Vlan ID for the wan side

if you are using

ring you provider and ask them what are theses setting

You are correct HA can’t see the outside world.
I’m using Starlink as my ISP so don’t know what their router used but I used Google and Cloudflare for DNS before with no previous issues. The VLAN is interesting but not sure why this matters as I didn’t use it before either, please enlighten me as networking isn’t my strongest skill. I just noticed that my Sonos devices cannot see the outside world either but everything else wifi or wired connected can. I am still leaning towards a setting in the Dream Machine that I don’t understand…

Found what I think is the issue, the UDM doesn’t like the SSL certificates, when I removed this from the configuration.yaml, HA has access to the internet when SSL is not needed. Again this leads me to a UDM setting I am not familiar with. Found some other posts about creating TLS/SSL certificates with Lets Encrypt, just an update of what I found…

# http:
#   ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
#   ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Feeling pretty dumb. It was simple as making the new Dream machine (default gateway) same IP as my old router.

I had the exact the same problem using Google Wifi and only setting the IP to my old router worked. I have no idea why this was necessary though. Does anyone knows?