New User Help!?

I’ve just installed HA as a new user and also installed Emulated Hue. My goal is to have 4 virtual dimmer light switches exposed through an emulated Hue bridge, for being seen by my Logitech Harmony hub/remote. I’m used to Hubitat Elevation, where I would just create a virtual device. But I don’t see any such ‘virtual’ device option in HA. My question is this. Is the below yaml configuration for the emulated hue enough to create 4 virtual dimmer light switches? Or do I need to do something else on the HA side? Note that I have not added any of these lights anywhere else in HA - is this THE place to create the virtual dimmers?

> emulated_hue:
>   listen_port: 80
>   expose_by_default: true
>   upnp_bind_multicast: true
>   exposed_domains:
>     - light
>     - switch
>   entities:
>     light.theater_rear_cans:
>       name: "Rear Cans"
>       hidden: false
>     light.theater_front_cans:
>       name: "Front Cans"
>       hidden: false
>     light.theater_side_cans:
>       name: "Side Cans"
>       hidden: false
>     light.theater_bathroom_lights:
>       name: "Bathroom Lights"
>       hidden: false

I’m guessing somewhere else because they don’t show up here:

Try this:

  listen_port: 80
  expose_by_default: false # as you are expliciting the entities, you don't have to expose by default
#  upnp_bind_multicast: true
#  exposed_domains: # use exposed_domains only if you want to expose all entities on those domains
#    - light
#    - switch
      name: "Rear Cans"
      hidden: false
      name: "Front Cans"
      hidden: false
      name: "Side Cans"
      hidden: false
      name: "Bathroom Lights"
      hidden: false