New Zigbee switches with missing features

I’m failing at searching this out, and I"m assuming I’m just not searching the right keywords?

But I have several Moe’s devices that have limited functionality in HA using ZHA. But the log book shows the keypresses coming in as what I would describe as “Scenes”.

Can I take that data from the log book and turn it into something actionable in an automation? Like screenshot attached, the on/off are exposed and work but that scene activation I’d like to use.

Is that a quirk? There is no configuration.yaml anymore so those articles are a dead end.


Yes, you can use event triggers with any event.

Yes, there very much is still that file :wink:

ZHA no longer uses configuration.yaml for device modification.


LOL, you can just say “you’re wrong” my ego can take it. I read the article about how each Zigbee device is in the configuration.yaml under zha: header, (which I don’t have nor is it in Sensors or switches.yaml)

I searched around that topic and found others mentioning it was moved out of configurations.yaml and recommended not to use the yaml for zha anymore but use quirks and scripts.

So if any of that is untrue, I followed the wrong rabbit.

Got sidetracked, so for the example screenshot, would this be correct? (Or even in the ballpark?)

Yes, that should work fine.

You don’t have to have all of that, you could just do:

level: 255

if you want it to trigger whenever it moves to that level.

You could also not put anything there if you want it to trigger for the event regardless of the values.

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I feel like I’m so close but I think I’m still missing something simple. So I DO want it to trigger regardless of level so I blanked out the data field, but its not triggering the automation. I’m assuming I’ve got things in the wrong fields and I"m missing how to connect the dots.

This fires in Logbook:
BedroomMoeClicker Move To Level event was fired with parameters: {‘level’: 63, ‘transition_time’: 1, ‘options_mask’: None, ‘options_override’: None}

But this Automation doesn’t work. Do I need something different in Type? I’ve tried mulitple combinations and the trigger never fires.

Here is the Logbook view for refresh

Please share the YAML of the automation, not an image of the UI builder.

Absolutely, thank you

alias: BedroomMoeClicker
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: BedroomMoeClicker Move To Level
    event_data: {}
condition: []
  - type: toggle
    device_id: 490b62a3888381732b7fd0bd60f2ccc0
    entity_id: light.switchlinc_2_wire_dimmer_41_fc_cd
    domain: light
mode: single

That’s looking for an event with empty event data - remove the event_data line and try again

Still no joy. Event doesn’t trigger.

alias: BedroomMoeClicker
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: BedroomMoeClicker Move To Level
condition: []
  - type: toggle
    device_id: 490b62a3888381732b7fd0bd60f2ccc0
    entity_id: light.switchlinc_2_wire_dimmer_41_fc_cd
    domain: light
mode: single

Then the event is something else.

This page may help, and if not I’d recommend asking in the #zwave channel of the HA Discord.

It’s a zigbee device.

I found a workaround until I learn more or HA matures a bit by controlling the device with a different ecosystem outside of Home assistant. Just stinks I can’t centralize it.

Thanks for trying.

Then the #zigbee channel

I don’t use ZHA so I can’t really help with the events it sends

I apparently just had to sleep on it. I finally found where events can be viewed, which showed me what I was missing in the automation.

ZHA_Events can be viewed here (if you can use local DNS) by listinging to “ZHA_EVENTS”:

and the resulting automation that works:

alias: Moe Clicker
description: Event Trigger
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_ieee: 70:ac:08:ff:fe:26:48:67
condition: []
  - type: toggle
    device_id: 490b62a3888381732b7fd0bd60f2ccc0
    entity_id: light.switchlinc_2_wire_dimmer_41_fc_cd
    domain: light
mode: single

Or in GUI

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If this is the same Moes button that I’ve got, it can be tripple clicked to switch between “remote mode” and “scene mode” (you DID read the manual that came with the button right?)

In “remote mode” you get the move to level / color temp / hue saturation events that aren’t very easy to work with in HA. In “scene mode” you get single/double/hold events that are trivial to work with just like any other zigbee button.

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It took me a while to try this but no, tripple click is just a double click in the log. The log shows the same thing if i Single click before and after a triple click. I did find the instructions and I’m not seeing anything about changing scene mode however its very Tuya centric about scene mode so maybe the Tuya app would have told me that.