Newb question about the default screen and hiding groups

Im sorry if this is a basic question but I have googled and googled and find similar questions but they dont point me in the right direction. The Home Assistant walk throughs arent helping either (I wish the code they showed was what the picture was, seems like most the time it isnt).

What im trying to accomplish is i want to hide the individual groups on my default page and only show the nested group for my lights. (the circled section of this image, i want the spots x’ed out to go away)

My current code (as ugly as it is) is as follows:

########### LED Lights ########

  - platform: flux_led
    # automatic_add: True
        name: tv_light_right
        name: tv_light_left
        name: living_room_back_right
        name: living_room_front_right
        name: living_room_front_left
        name: living_room_back_left
        name: tom_bed_light
        name: lisa_bed_light

    #view: yes
    name: Light Panel
      - group.bedroom_lights
      - group.tv_lights
      - group.all_living_room_lights
      - group.living_room_flood_lights  
    name: Bedroom Lights
    entities: light.tom_bed_light, light.lisa_bed_light
    name: TV Lights
    view: no
    entities: light.tv_light_left, light.tv_light_right
    name: Living Room Flood Lights
    view: no
      - light.living_room_back_left
      - light.living_room_front_left 
      - light.living_room_front_right
      - light.living_room_back_right
     name: All Living Room Lights
     view: no
      - light.living_room_back_left
      - light.living_room_front_left 
      - light.living_room_front_right
      - light.living_room_back_right
      - light.tv_light_left 
      - light.tv_light_right

Can anyone see what im doing wrong? or what i need to do to hide those initial groups and only show the nested group?

Also, is there a more robust wikki or something that describes more on groups, default view etc than on

id also settle for moving them to a seperate view tab. it could be useful there.

Also struggled with this. Seems that it’s impossible now. I ended up using chrome JS injection plugin and hiding page components. Would be nice to have some kind of hide option besides of view

makes them cards (view:yes makes them tabs).

I believe you want
hidden: true

Try making a new group, add your groups inside that new group. That should make each group show up as a single switch within the new group. (I think that is what you are looking for.

silvrr- it is and i have. that’s the first section that i want to keep.

If i turn on view (which i would think would move the original groups to tabs) everything disappears.

i think i tried the hidden once but something else broke. Ill try again tonight when i get off work. thanks for the bit of clarification.

can i use Hidden: or view: per group? or is it a one and done for all that follows.

does the spacing and indents need to be separate to do something like this? I think im going to splilt off my groups to a separate file. I have no idea how to do .js injects or anything yet. I havent even begun to try and tackle Echo integration or Harmony Hub integration. lol im struggling just getting these lights to look the way I want.

Sorry, it was on my phone and didn’t have coffee yet. Something to try is creating blocks to keep yourself organized and help you think of whats going on. I create groups below groups and then move the group name up into a view. It has helped me when Im trying to lay things out. (since it starts the line with a # HA ignores it)

I don’t know if view:no is supported. I don’t see it in examples. This along with some spacing issues may have caused the groups to show up.

Pay very close attention to how everything is indented. (I also found a tab which may have been from copy pasting but avoid tabs, they brake the config)

Whats below should give you what you are looking for. This should give you the single panel with all your light control groups listed on a single line.

The groups default to not being a view. I would leave the view part out unless you are going to make it a view, has worked for me.

#                                                  #
#                     VIEWS                        #
#                                                  #
    view: yes
      - group.light_panel
#                                                  #
#                  GROUPING                        #
#                                                  #

    name: Light Panel
      - group.bedroom_lights
      - group.tv_lights
      - group.all_living_room_lights
      - group.living_room_flood_lights  
    name: Bedroom Lights
      - light.tom_bed_light
      - light.lisa_bed_light
    name: TV Lights
      - light.tv_light_left
      - light.tv_light_right
    name: Living Room Flood Lights
      - light.living_room_back_left
      - light.living_room_front_left 
      - light.living_room_front_right
      - light.living_room_back_right
    name: All Living Room Lights
      - light.living_room_back_left
      - light.living_room_front_left 
      - light.living_room_front_right
      - light.living_room_back_right
      - light.tv_light_left 
      - light.tv_light_right

thanks… that looks great. ill put it in when i get home. much cleaner. thank you very much.

damn that didnt work. no views now on the default screen

It may be group.lights instead of group.light_panel. Check the states “< >” tab. to get the correct name of the group, not sure what the entity ID would be when you use the name.

Looking at this again I would also simplify it further by getting rid of the name entry under each group. Just name the group what you want the name to be. I haven’t run into any issues doing it that way.

ok ill try it tonight. thanks

    view: yes
      - group.bedroom_lights
      - group.tv_lights
      - group.all_living_room_lights
      - group.living_room_flood_lights


    view: yes
      - group.lights

should work for you

Old topic, but there is an error above, which is why it didn’t work.

    name: Light Panel
      - group.bedroom_lights
      - group.tv_lights
      - group.all_living_room_lights
      - group.living_room_flood_lights  

should have been:

    name: Light Panel
      - group.bedroom_lights
      - group.tv_lights
      - group.all_living_room_lights
      - group.living_room_flood_lights