Newb questions GUI vs YAML, OZWCP and HASS.IO

Hi. New to HASS and just wanting to clear up a couple of nagging questions.

  1. GUI vs YAML. This question comes from configuring Z-Wave for the first time. The doco says to configure either by adding lines to configuration.yaml or add integration in the GUI. I’d assumed that the result either way would be the same, i.e. that the appropriate lines are added to configuration.yaml. I found this was not the case. Adding via GUI makes no change to configuration.yaml. I could not find any info about where these changes are actually saved when done via the GUI and this became an issue when I somehow wrecked my z-wave config and needed to remove/reinstall it. I could find no way to do this in the GUI, and there was nothing to remove from configuration.yaml.
    So this raises the question… are GUI configs vs yaml configs all separate in this way? i.e. you cannot tell by looking at the yaml files what integrations are actually installed? This begs follow-up questions… which is better practise… GUI or yaml? Is it OK to mix them in the same implementation? Why does GUI use a separate config store? Is there any way to view/edit config done in the GUI at file level?

  2. I installed OZWCP in a docker container on my Synology NAS. (HASS is also running this way) and with some messing around was able to get it to read the config for my Aeotec Multisensor6. The docker run command for OZWCP required some attributes for XML config files but I could find no documentation as to what these attributes actually do. Are changes made in OZWCP saved directly to the device, or does it write to an XML file? What are the XML files used for, i.e. when are they read/written to and why?

  3. still confused about HASSIO From searching these forums I read that it is not supported on Synology NAS, but don’t know why. My understanding of HASSIO is that it is an extension to HASS to support GUI management of add-ins. I’d like a simple answer (if there is one) to …
    a) Can I run it on Synology NAS (Docker based) or not?
    b) what can I do with HASSIO that I can’t do without it? i.e. do I really need it?
    c) Is there a way to install HASSIO addins to HASS without HASSIO?


Correct, adding via the GUI goes into a secret folder where you shouldn’t be manipulating configurations. You only do one or the other. Yaml or GUI. This is pretty much true for all of home-assistant.

This is vague, what’d you wreck? If you’re referring to the naming convention, most of that is done through entity_registry.



what are you more comfortable with? Both have the same functionality, you just need to know where to find said functionality.


Because people muck it up and makes it so home assistant won’t start. They are hidden for this reason. You should only be doing changes through the UI if you go the UI route. If you are really good with JSON, you can attempt to perform your changes to the hidden files. I don’t recommend it as you can do everything through the UI at this point.

Yes, they are located in the .storage hidden folder inside config. But again, you need to understand JSON. And everything is organized the way a computer would think, not a human. So you’ll need to poke around to find the correct stuff.

No, these config files are used to layout the data correctly to the user and communicate with HA (or whatever else).

They are written to on state changes, startup, and shutdown. I don’t know if they are actively read throughout the process, I would assume they are not.

Here’s a list of hardware that is allowed for hassio: Installation - Home Assistant

Outside that list is “do at your own risk”. Which is where synology falls. I’m sure it’s possible to install and use if synology supports docker. It really depends on what the synology os allows.

All of the easy to configure and install add-ons are not available without it. That’s pretty much it.

No, but it makes life easier if you are a beginner.

I’m sure there is, but the likely hood of anyone doing this and having a guide is low.

Thanks petro. That’s really helpful info.

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