Hi all,
I am a newbee and want to try out the dashboard creation. I started with the demo, and hoped to get some ideas how it works by viewing the code, but …
The samples have nice colored panels, but the panels, or cards, didn’t have any color info in the code, even there is no theme selected. I first thought, they inherit this infos from the dashboard itself, but I can’t find any infos too.
Maybe there is a tutorial (non video tutorials preferred) which guid me through the creation of a dashboard from the very beginning. And maybe there is also one for dashboards using Grafana.
Ok, in the docu there is some ‘color’ variable, but the visual editor didn’t know this setting.
Using ‘Show Code Editor’ gives me access to a .yaml file. Adding a ‘color: yellow’ there breaks the visual editor and didn’t do anything else.