Newbie: Do a i need a separate Raspberry Pi to Install

That is the script.

I 1000% recommend using stretch lite NOT Jessie. Stretch is the latest version of Raspbian and I don’t know why you would want to go backwards!

Is there some reason you don’t want to use Stretch?

Not really, I installed a while ago and let it be, moreover on top of it , I have a running Pi-Hole acting as DNS for all home network devices. So didnt want to upgrade and break any functionality to spend hours in setting up everything again.

But if disto upgrade to stretch is mandatory for going this way then I would have to think about it. Possibly taking an image backup of the current installation, putting an in place upgrade and then trying the script.

We’re talking about a Raspberry Pi where an upgrade is as simple as flashing a card. Is there a reason you need to avoid this?

If I were you I would keep your existing SD as is and then using a second new SD card install Stretch / in Docker and then see if you can bring your two existing apps over to the new system either standalone or using the available add-ins… Then you are running latest and supported version of everything. This will make things much easier as you move forward with HA upgrades.

If for some reason you have difficulty transferring Pi-Hole and your Dash setup then you haven’t trashed your original setup.

I agree re: second sd-card. There is a Pi-Hole addon for and it’s easy to use I believe. (I don’t use that add-on myself)

Sounds good. For information, can I switch a fully installed (with addons) and setup instance of Hassio on SD Card from one Pi to another Pi . I mean to say are there any configuration variables within HassIo config, which are bound to or fixed on a specific Pi MAC Address and may break when I insert the same SD Card in another PI to make it work.

I was thinking of discarding my Pi exclusively for PiHole and Dash Button instance, and get everything working on one Pi only with Hassio and Pihole+Dasher addons.

Thanks for the information.

You may have an issue if you use wireless but for ethernet, no issue.

It might also depend how you set, some parameters, e.g. your fixed IP address.
If it’s set, e.g. on the router, it will be tied to the MAC address and therefore be different from the previous Pi.
If it’s set on the Pi itself in one of the conf-files it will probably ‘move’ to the new Pi on the SD Card.

so if I’ve already got HassIO on my pi is there a way that I can no install raspbian on the same SD then? I’d like to do so in order to work with raspbi-config to activate the pi cam

if you install the hassio image to your sdcard, THAT is the OS. No, you can’t install raspbian to the same SDCard, and enabling the pi cam with raspbian wouldn’t do ANYTHING for Hassio.

The documentation seems to suggest otherwise:

Well, since HassOS isn’t based on Raspbian, I don’t know how you are going to use it.

I have money on the fact the documentation is written for a Hassbian/Python Venv install, and not HassIO.

No matter what, it doesn’t change the fact that you CANNOT run 2 OSes on the SDCard at the same time.

Yeah that makes sense, thanks man!

You can try the other way around since you can run HassIO on raspbian.

Backup your configs, flash latest version of raspbian, install HassIO (via docker), restore backups, then try to enable the camera.