How do I set the ramp rate for Insteon switch 2477D in HA?
mtiede, to my knowledge at this time the insteon integration for HA does not have this option. I had a switch last week change it’s ramp rate on it’s own. I tried reset it on the switch but it would not store the new setting. I finally gave in a factory reset the switch and reset the ramp rate and brightness. That fixed the issue but now it’s no longer linked with the hub. I know there is a way to re-link it to the hub but I have not read up on it enough to test in the fear I hose the hub. Now this morning I have another switch that is has lost the ramp rate setting. I’m concerned as to why now that I’m using HA that these are doing this. I have not made any changes to the switch or hub. I can’t reset this switch because I want to use the scene_on for this light to come on when some others do at sunset and off at sun rise. I have the programing working to use HA for this and guess I have no choice to rest the switch but only when I know I can safely re-link it with the hub.