Newbie help with room assistance

Hi folks, I’m a newbie with room assistant integration, I’ve setup an ESP32 with ESP32-mqtt-room wich successfully publish on room_presence/soggiorno a message like this {“id”:“b0c554477753”,“uuid”:“b0c554477753”,“rssi”:-79,“distance”:1.95}`

On home assistant I’ve put the following configuration

- platform: mqtt_room
  device_id: "b0c554477753"
  name: 'unknown Room Presence'
  state_topic: 'room_presence/soggiorno'
  timeout: 60
  away_timeout: 120

But the sensor report everytime not_home, where I’m wrong?

P.S.: The following binary_sensor works fine with all the attributes reported right

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "presence_nodes/soggiorno"
  json_attributes_topic: "presence_nodes/esp32_room_presence/tele"
  payload_on: "CONNECTED"
  payload_off: "DISCONNECTED"
  device_class: connectivity