Newbie: I can't get the card installed

I followed the instructions to install scheduler-card with no problem. I’ve restarted HA in docker. I cleared the browser cache. When I go to Entities and search for “scheduler” I see “Scheduler Card update” and “Scheduler component update”. When I click on either one I don’t see a card. I see this. How do I get a real card? Thanks in advance.

In the instructions I see

Step 4: Add the scheduler-card
Follow instructions on Lovelace scheduler card to setup the card that allows you to configure scheduler entities.

But when I click on the link it just takes me back to this same repo page.

Edit your dashboard. Add the card.

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That also just got me to that notice but I could be doing it wrong. I’ve added other cards before. Do you know the correct link for “Step 4: Add the scheduler-card”?

Never mind, it worked when I tried it again. I apologize for the trouble.

Hey, i’m sorry to bother you but i’m having the same issue, can you point me out in the right direction how to get that schedular card in my list

What have you executed so far? Do you already have HACs installed?

yes hacs is installed, I installed the schedular-card so I can find it in HACs but I can’t find it in the list of cards, I did find the update possibilities like you did. but can’t add the card to my dashboard. I also tried to clear cache, restarted HA, to no avail

hold on I got something: when I try to find the card wich I did now for some reason It gives me an error: (I translated it with google translate)
The Scheduler component could not be connected. It must be installed as an integration before this card can be used.

That wasn’t me, I was just jumping in to assist.

You get nothing when you search for the card?

look at the post above, i did find the card now but got an error

Are you trying to install the plugin underlined in green or red?

The scheduler component is for the card underlined in red and is listed in HACs and is underlined in yellow

I think I found it, had to download it within HACS

Don’t know if it works yet hold on

I got it now, no errors at the moment… but anyway many thanks for trying to help out…
Kind regards

I highlighted the Scheduler Component in my last post (yellow underlined). There are multiple scheduler cards in HACs and that is adding some confusion in this thread. The one you are working with needed the Scheduler Component.

Yes my mistake was I thought it was enough to use the integrated schedular from hA itself (mistake in translation)

No worries, Welcome to the community and HA. It’s addicting!

Hahaa, yes it is, but you deffenitly learn a lot about coding and all kinds of stuff, it’s a nice hobby to make you smarter in the digital world