Hi, I am very new to HA having used Smarthings for years and started with HA initially to produce decent dashboards. I have HA running on a PI 4 which seems to run well but I have run into some confusion re the webpage card which does not seem to work with any of the url’s i have used which in turn I feel may be as a result of the http/https debate I have read many posts about. So my question is could somebody please explain to me .
Is the webpage not working due to the http/https issue as I have tried both and neither work
Where are the settings for HA to be either http or https . It appears from browsing to mine its using http ( which really confuses me re question 1 as when I add a webpage card the default page to HA using https is displayed but not when I change it to any other https or even http url’s) ?
I am using nabu casa for remote access so I don’t want to mess that up by making changes until I understand how HA is working … not a question just adding information.
I have seen the settings for external and internal url … my thought is these are defaults to access HA and do not have any impact on the use of the web page card … is this correct ?
Sorry if these sound dumb questions but could somebody take 5mins to explain please ?
If you’re running Home Assistant OS or Supervised then there’s various add-ons that can help here, including the DuckDNS addon that handles DuckDNS and SSL certificates.
Thank you for the reply. I do have duckdns and certificates etc , but I found that whist I can get remote access working via port forwarding on my router that using fully kiosk browser for displaying the dashboard only errored with certificate hostname mismatch, so I have to revert to http which works fine in fully browser. I’ve probably missed something in the setup but I couldn’t think what ?
Thanks for the help … got it working along with Nginx .
Still having some issues with web page cards not displaying thou which I think may be due to iframes being blocked … but still trying to figure that one out