Newbie neds help with webpage cards and http/https

Hi, I am very new to HA having used Smarthings for years and started with HA initially to produce decent dashboards. I have HA running on a PI 4 which seems to run well but I have run into some confusion re the webpage card which does not seem to work with any of the url’s i have used which in turn I feel may be as a result of the http/https debate I have read many posts about. So my question is could somebody please explain to me .

  1. Is the webpage not working due to the http/https issue as I have tried both and neither work
  2. Where are the settings for HA to be either http or https . It appears from browsing to mine its using http ( which really confuses me re question 1 as when I add a webpage card the default page to HA using https is displayed but not when I change it to any other https or even http url’s) ?
  3. I am using nabu casa for remote access so I don’t want to mess that up by making changes until I understand how HA is working … not a question just adding information.
  4. I have seen the settings for external and internal url … my thought is these are defaults to access HA and do not have any impact on the use of the web page card … is this correct ?

Sorry if these sound dumb questions but could somebody take 5mins to explain please ?

Many thanks


  1. You can embed an https:// page in an http:// page, but not the other way around
  2. In the http config
  3. Correct

Thank you for the reply.

That’s helped a little but still confused on how to set HA to https so webpage cards will work as they just don’t at the moment

You’ll need to add SSL certificates and configure HA to use them.

  server_port: 12345
  ssl_certificate: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  ssl_key: /etc/letsencrypt/live/

If you’re running Home Assistant OS or Supervised then there’s various add-ons that can help here, including the DuckDNS addon that handles DuckDNS and SSL certificates.

Thank you for the reply. I do have duckdns and certificates etc , but I found that whist I can get remote access working via port forwarding on my router that using fully kiosk browser for displaying the dashboard only errored with certificate hostname mismatch, so I have to revert to http which works fine in fully browser. I’ve probably missed something in the setup but I couldn’t think what ?

You need to use the hostname in the certificate to connect, you can’t use the local IP - doing that will always generate a warning.

Thanks for the help … got it working along with Nginx .

Still having some issues with web page cards not displaying thou which I think may be due to iframes being blocked … but still trying to figure that one out