Newbie need advice

Hi there

I am totally new to the the raspberry pi, home automation thing. I bought a RPi 3B and also have a smartthings v2 hub with a google home at home running a 20MB up and down Fibre line.

I now have 3 sonoff globes with some sonoff switches and 2 x 2 gang switches and 2 wyze v2 cameras and a google cast. I want all these connected to home assistant etc.

What is the best way to get home assistant installed on he Pi and which one ? I also have no background in programming but will learn as I want to kit out my whole home.

Any advice will be appreciated please as to where to begin and what the easiest way will be to atleast get some sort of layout on my home assistant.

install HassIO. It will detect the Google Home for a start. Have a play and read the docs

Hi there. Do you mean ?


If you have zero Linux skills, is an ideal starting point. If you’re familiar with Linux, then Hassbian is worth a look.

For the Sonoff, you’ll need to flash the firmware with something that supports MQTT, as explained here.

Hi @PieterT

I was exactly the same as you. I installed HASSIO. As others have said its definitely the best way to go for those with no experience.

Its a steep learning curve at the beginning but well worth it! Home Assistant is a great product