Newbie needs help installing Home Assistant on Windows 10 - idna 2.5 needed but i have 2.8? Log included

This is a first time using python ever (version 3.7.1) for me, i tried to follow the YouTube video ( but am getting stuck in the middle of installation. I get the following message:

requests 2.20.1 has requirement idna<2.8,>=2.5, but you’ll have idna 2.8 which is incompatible.

I read something about changing a dockerfile but as this is the first time i am seeing python i would appreciate some guidance from the more experienced

I have copied the log below from where it starts to fail the install…the black bar below has a bright sentence below it (well in my command prompt that is, here it is just black and i put it in bold)

Then at the bottom every module fails or is not found

How can i fix this?

Downloading (158kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 163kB 1.5MB/s
requests 2.20.1 has requirement idna<2.8,>=2.5, but you’ll have idna 2.8 which is incompatible.
Installing collected packages: voluptuous, pyyaml, async-timeout, attrs, multidict, chardet, idna, yarl, aiohttp, six, asn1crypto, pycparser, cffi, cryptography, certifi, pytz, ruamel.yaml, voluptuous-serialize, urllib3, requests, MarkupSafe, jinja2, bcrypt, PyJWT, astral, homeassistant
The script chardetect.exe is installed in ‘C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts’ which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
Running install for pycparser … done
Running install for voluptuous-serialize … done
The script pyjwt.exe is installed in ‘C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts’ which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
The script hass.exe is installed in ‘C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts’ which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
Successfully installed MarkupSafe-1.1.0 PyJWT-1.6.4 aiohttp-3.4.4 asn1crypto-0.24.0 astral-1.7.1 async-timeout-3.0.1 attrs-18.2.0 bcrypt-3.1.4 certifi-2018.11.29 cffi-1.11.5 chardet-3.0.4 cryptography-2.3.1 homeassistant-0.83.3 idna-2.8 jinja2-2.10 multidict-4.5.2 pycparser-2.19 pytz-2018.7 pyyaml-3.13 requests-2.20.1 ruamel.yaml-0.15.78 six-1.12.0 urllib3-1.24.1 voluptuous-0.11.5 voluptuous-serialize-2.0.0 yarl-1.3.0
You are using pip version 10.0.1, however version 18.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the ‘python -m pip install --upgrade pip’ command.

C:\Users\celso\Homeautomation>py -m homeassistant --open-ui
Unable to find configuration. Creating default one in C:\Users\celso\AppData\Roaming.homeassistant
Config directory: C:\Users\celso\AppData\Roaming.homeassistant
2018-12-12 20:22:46 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of pyotp==2.2.6
2018-12-12 20:22:50 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of PyQRCode==1.2.1
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded websocket_api from homeassistant.components.websocket_api
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Home Assistant core initialized
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded frontend from homeassistant.components.frontend
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded api from homeassistant.components.api
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded http from homeassistant.components.http
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded system_log from homeassistant.components.system_log
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded auth from homeassistant.components.auth
2018-12-12 20:22:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded onboarding from homeassistant.components.onboarding
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded lovelace from homeassistant.components.lovelace
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded history from homeassistant.components.history
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded recorder from homeassistant.components.recorder
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded introduction from homeassistant.components.introduction
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up introduction
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.introduction]


    Hello, and welcome to Home Assistant!

    We'll hope that we can make all your dreams come true.

    Here are some resources to get started:

     - Configuring Home Assistant:

     - Available components:

     - Troubleshooting your configuration:

     - Getting help:

    This message is generated by the introduction component. You can
    disable it in configuration.yaml.


2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded persistent_notification from homeassistant.components.persistent_notification
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain introduction took 0.0 seconds.
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up lovelace
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain lovelace took 0.0 seconds.
2018-12-12 20:22:56 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of aiohttp_cors==0.7.0
2018-12-12 20:23:00 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up http
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component http
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\”, line 145, in async_setup_component
hass, processed_config)
File "C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\http_init
.py", line 152, in async_setup
File “C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\”, line 212, in init
setup_cors(app, cors_origins)
File “C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\http\”, line 21, in setup_cors
import aiohttp_cors
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘aiohttp_cors’
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of api. Setup failed for dependencies: http
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for api: Could not set up all dependencies.
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of websocket_api. Setup failed for dependencies: http
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for websocket_api: Could not set up all dependencies.
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of system_log. Setup failed for dependencies: http
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for system_log: Could not set up all dependencies.
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of auth. Setup failed for dependencies: http
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for auth: Could not set up all dependencies.
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of onboarding. Setup failed for dependencies: http
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for onboarding: Could not set up all dependencies.
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of frontend. Setup failed for dependencies: api, websocket_api, http, system_log, auth, onboarding
2018-12-12 20:23:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for frontend: Could not set up all dependencies.
2018-12-12 20:23:00 INFO (SyncWorker_24) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of sqlalchemy==1.2.14
2018-12-12 20:23:28 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up recorder
Exception in thread Recorder:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\”, line 917, in bootstrap_inner
File "C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\recorder_init
.py", line 186, in run
from .models import States, Events
File “C:\Users\celso\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\recorder\”, line 6, in
from sqlalchemy import (
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘sqlalchemy’

2018-12-12 20:23:38 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of recorder is taking over 10 seconds.

Hey, did you find a solution to your problem here?

The same thing is happening to me currently.

I got passed this step by allowing TCP 8123 through my firewall.

But now I’m stuck on:

INFO (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of pychromecast==2.1.0
INFO (SyncWorker_14) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of async-upnp-client==0.13.8

its been like this for a while. Is it meant to be?