Hi everyone.
I am now expermenting with persistent_notification.create service and automations and maybe my question is dumb, but I’ve looked through a lot of documentation and i’m truly can’t solve this problem myself.
Problem is :
I’ve created simple automation with mqtt trigger that calls persistent_notification.create service
I don’t know, how to remove all of notifications from history. I can’t use persistent_notification.dismiss, cos I didn’t even indicate notification_id in persistent_notification.create
thanks for the answer.
Correct me if i wrong: if I do so, any notifications will no longer appear in history in future?
I wanna delete exactly these notifications
Thanks for the answer.
Can you explain me smth about recorder.purge : as i understand, this service deletes all data, that are older than keep_days , all data about all domains and entities, right?
On the picture there is only part of history, exactly the part that bothers me. There are other entities in my history that I don’t want to remove
Can’t be done from HA. Recorder.purge deletes all that is older than ‘keep_days’. You could try with a sqllite3 client, but it is easy to break things that way.