Newbie question about schedule a lamp

Hello I’ve just gotten started with Homeassistant and managed to set up a Nexa (via Tellstick), but how do I do a scheduling for it in HA?

In the automations.
Create a new automation for the trigger (like time or day) then the action choose call service and select light turn on or off whichever you want.
Or on this forum go to blueprints, blueprints are automations other people have already created and you just fill in your details,
there might be one in there that fits your needs just import it and select it even crafting a automation.

Buy a motion sensor with luminosity and use it to turn on off light.
You have to create automations to make this work.

I´m now trying to configure the automation but don’t understand what to choose in the 3 parts, Triggers, Conditions and Actions.
I have looked around the Internet for a Step-by-step guide but have not find any.
Remember, I’m a newbie/rookie


Tiggers → what is starting automation
Condition → do you need some specific condition before automation start ie. time of day
Action → what automation will do ie. call service switch turn on or off

Tell us exactly what you would like to happen and when.

Right now, as simple as a Nexa to turn on a lamp mo-fri 19:00 and turn off 23:00 the same day.

I think the Nexa is named switch.oo_5

Create two autoamtion, one nexa switch one and nexa switch off.
Nexa switch on
Triggers → choose device your device
condition → time set up your time
action → call service switch turn on and choose you device.
Write it on your own and save it. You can select in 3 dots right corner run automation. If you done it right your light will turn on, if you didn’t it wont.
You have to play a bit to understand things.

see here

Sorry guys, this is really confusing.
I have read and try to follow your info and also looked att the Youtube-clip but I don´t understand what and where in the new Automation I should type in

Leave yaml file alone for now. Its confusing in the beginning so stick with a gui.
When you open automations you will see 3 sections.
And what you want to do? I wanna turn on my light every day at 19:00.
Tigger → select your device you wan to tun on state switch is off. Because it will not run it you light is on. It logical that you can’t turn something on that is already on.
Condition → I want to turn it on at 19:00. So select time and enter your time at your automation will run.
Action → run automation. What you wanna do with it? You wan to turn light on. Tu turn light on you have to call service switch turn on. And then select device you want to turn on, your light.

I’m not in YAML, only use GUI

At “Automations” I click on “+ CREATE AUTOMATION” and choose “Start with an empty automation”
Then at “Triggers”, I click on “+ ADD TRIGGERS” and choose “Device”
After that I can’t find my Nexa under “Device”, only things like “Home assistant core” “Mosquito broker” “TellStick” and other stuff like that

try entity

Entity is not in the list

I don’t have this your integration and don’t know what does it do. When you add a device ie. wifi light switch of zigbee device it will be on your devices list. Check your integration to see devices your added.
You can also check
Look for switch

Yes, TellStick is in that list, but it’s for “updates”

You probably didn’t set up this integration fully. Check the link above and set up switch and light as described in document. Your light should be in devices list.

My Tellstick is working in HA.
I have 2 switches configured, that I can turn on and off,

can you then copy their name something like switch.mylamp.something and paste that in devices list in automation.

Yes, I could paste the name of the Entity but it’s not possible to Save. I got an error “Message malformed: Integration ‘’ not found”