Newbie question on Netatmo smart radiator valve integration

I can’t make sense on any of the guides or instructions whether I actually need the Netatmo Smart Thermostat in order to integrate the Smart Radiator Valves into Home Assistant or can I integrate the valves directly.
I have RasPi4 with RazBerry2 Z-Wave hat configured but if I put batteries in a valve so that it shows the wifi icon on display and do an Inclusion scan in Home Assistant Z-Wave JS to MQTT UI, I cant find the valve. At this point the valve has been located directly on top of the RasPi case.
I do have the Netatmo account created and the api_key/secret_key/username/password entries are in configuration.yaml
What am I missing?

You have to add the Netatmo integration. And you have to first add them to your Netatmo setup using their app.

Right, so the starter kit is needed. Bugger. Thanks for the answer.

No, you don’t. But you need the relay. Like in this starter package.

Yes that one instead of the thermostat.