Newbie - Turning off bt on Pi4 in HA 4.8


Tying to install a Razberry2 Z-Wave.ME board. The device specific configuation says to turn off the bt in the ‘config.txt’ file, but I can’t find this file. I have looked at previous posts and found solutions to finding the file, but these posts were from 2019. None of the suggested solutions has worked. Has the ‘config.txt’ file been removed in 4.8? If not, any suggestions on how I can find it.

Thanks for any help!

Shutdown your Pi. Remove the SD card from your Pi and put it in a PC. There is one fat partition that is readable. That contains config.txt. Make your adjustments, put the card back in the Pi and restart the Pi.


Thanks for the reply. I have done what you suggest more than once. I was concerned that the card I had was not fully formatted to FAT32 so I reformatted and reflashed, config.txt is not there. While I am a newbie with the Pi and HA, I’m not a computer newbie. My first digital computer used the CPM operating system and I had to program in assembler. This is why I wonder if the ‘config’ file got buried is some other boot program or yami.


Started the process all over again! This time config.txt was there. Very weird that it wasn’t there in previous flashes, but it is there now. Thanks all…