Hi, as a total newbie with RPi and Hassio i am trying to install hassio on my raspberry using an sd card.
I installed Rasbian using NOOBS from aan preinstalled sd card. How can i install hassio? Do i just start over with a bigger sd card (can i even install NOOBS and slach an immage on the same sd card) or can i buy an USB sd card reader and use this next tot the sd card with noobs?
or am i obliged to use my noobs sd card and manually install hassio from the commandline?
I initially tried installing Home Assistant on Raspian and gave up in frustration. Just get another MicroSD card, at least 32gB, and flash the image file from here: https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/
But I suspect that it has to do with the add-ons and components not all working with 64-bit addressing- especially considering that the 64-bit pi is new.
I also gave up in frustration. Just removed my noobs card en inserted the micro SD with the image. Can not see HA starting at the webadres though. Probably has something to do with the wifi so i cannot acces it through my laptop i suppose. Found a youtube tutorial about this. i Will try again with help of this tutorial. See what happens then.
I have been convinced that HassOs is not currently reliable, based on my current VM.
When my RPI 3B+ arrives today I plan on using Raspain via NOOBS and install Hassio. As a test, I dod that on a Debian VM last night.
Just use the generic Linux installation. Raspain should be similar to Ubuntu. No universe repository though. I found it not needed.