hardware and software
I’m on aeotec Gen 5.Home Asst v 8.5
I watched some of the Z-wave JS migration videos and it’s outdated.
The intent is to quickly add my movement sensor so that my senior caretaker walk path will be bright at night when she is taking care of the baby.
I already backed up configuration.yaml . I screenshoted the STATES too
I’m currently connected to wifi ( not cable) . Will wifi connection to router will be affected by the upgrade?
I already installed Z-wave JS https://i.imgur.com/BTKNgpG.png
I selected ttyACM0
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Also, now I have this
Then the next screen appears.
Not sure how to proceed from here or I just submit?
how should I input the 4 lines? Any link to the configuration.yaml?
I really didn’t want to re-add all those devices node again.
Can anyone please guide me? Thanks
I managed to input the s0 security and started the Z-Wave JS
The old Z-Wave is unavailable.
There’s a guide here but it’s abit jumbled up for me.
Z-Wave - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
Do I need to do this now ( as per guide? ) Thanks
Remove the legacy zwave
or OpenZWave integration from Home Assistant: Settings –> Devices & Services –> Z-Wave (or OpenZWave) –> Press the three dots and click Delete.
November 15, 2022, 2:29am
The purpose of removing old integration is to ensure both integrations are not accessing the zwave stick.
I would backup, then remove it.
If zwavejs can use zwave stick then its not an immediate need but needed before restart to ensure no conflict occurs (old integration blocking access by nee)
So I’d try remove it .
Full backup
Device Name backup ← I’ve screenshot them for reference.
So the next step would it be Z-Wave JS to try to populate all the devices and I need to rename it if required? Thanks.
I wasn’t able to restart. Error as below.
Do I need to add this before I restart? Thanks