Newby: google speaker not playing media

Hello all,
I am very new to HA but all your posts and answers have helped me a lot.
Now i trying to write a script to play a sound to a set of my google speakers.
found a lot of posts on this but all do not match my scenario (or dit not find de correct one)
First my speaker all work great. i can stream music from my phone the the speaker of let it play music through a native music play er all no problem.
My speakers also all show up in HA group and all.
So, i also know that when someting is not working to make it simpler so instead of a group of speakers i switched back to just 1 speaker.
If i turn it on through the dashboard the speaker plays beep.
when (through the dashboard) i tell the speaker to play an mp3 (which is in the HA,Samba share it displays the play icon (duration of the mp3) but not sound.

If i try to write a script (visual editor) and select the same speaker than no action are possible.
Can anybody help.

Forget the script. Nothing from HA to any of my google devices is working. not media not TTS nothing. I can turn the devices on and off but nothing else.
When i stream sportify from my phone to a speaker, HA shows this on the dashboard. But nothing else.
There must be some setting wrong but where.