Newly added Tasmota (SONOFF GosundSP1) plug can't be controlled


I’m still new to HA but getting better with it. Few weeks back when I started over to setup my HA, I added 4 Tasmota SmartPlugs from 2 different Vendors (Refoss and Nous) which I also recently bought. They came with a quite recent Tasmota Version, so i did not have much trouble to get them added to HA.

Yesterday I found an old Sonoff Gosund SP1 smart plug that I must have bought like 4 or 5 years ago and it had Tasmota 6.4.1.
So I remembered that Autodiscovery was only possible with newer versions and I went an hour through the migration path and now have the latest Tasmota (14.2.0) on this old smart plug.

To my surprise, when i switched to the browser window with HA open, it was already discovered!

However, It does not show any values nor does it let me control the switch (on/off).

I tried to search but i could not find any other post that discusses the situation where some plugs work without any problems, but another one does not.

The IP of the plug is correct, when I click the “visit” link, it will open the smart plugs web ui (from which i can control the switch).

I rebooted my HA, but it did not change anything.

The Version information says the following:

Gosund SP1 v23
Program Version	14.2.0 (release-tasmota)
Build Date & Time	2024-08-14T12:36:35
Core/SDK Version	2_7_7/2.2.2-dev(38a443e)
Uptime	0T02:52:40
Flash Write Count	18338 at 0xF5000
Boot Count	50
Restart Reason	Power On
Friendly Name 1	GosundSP1_Tasmota2b
AP2 Information	SSId XXXXXXXXX
RSSI 64%, -68 dBm
Mode 11n
Channel 5
BSSId 74:83:C2:3A:74:83
Hostname	GosundSP1-Tasmota2b-0808
MAC Address	60:01:94:C2:E3:28
IP Address (WiFi)
Subnet Mask
DNS Server1
DNS Server2
HTTP API	Enabled
MQTT Port	1883
MQTT Client	DVES_C2E328
MQTT Topic	GosundSP1_Tasmota2b
MQTT Group Topic 1	cmnd/sonoffs/
MQTT Full Topic	cmnd/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/
MQTT Fallback Topic	cmnd/DVES_C2E328_fb/
MQTT No Retain	Disabled
Emulation	None
ESP Chip Id	12772136 (ESP8285N08)
Flash Chip Id	0x144051 (DOUT)
Flash Size	1024 KB
Program Flash Size	1024 KB
Program Size	648 KB
Free Program Space	352 KB
Free Memory	24.1 KB

I compared the config/info with one of the working plugs and noticed, the GroupTopic is the same for the others, but it is different from the not working one

MQTT Port	1883
MQTT Topic	tasmota_%06X
MQTT Group Topic 1	cmnd/tasmotas/
MQTT Full Topic	cmnd/tasmota_1CD4AB/
MQTT Fallback Topic	cmnd/DVES_1CD4AB_fb/
MQTT No Retain	Disabled

But apparently I can’t figure out how to change the Group Topic via webui/console.

Anyone has ever had this issue and has some clues?

Did you check the Tasmota web-console? How is the device defined? And that is where you change the group topic too .

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Thanks for your response.

Yeah i had looked into the console and it regularly reports its state to MQTT

11:52:31.249 MQT: tele/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/STATE = {"Time":"2024-08-22T11:52:31","Uptime":"0T04:21:00","UptimeSec":15660,"Heap":24,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":22,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":2,"SSId":"XXXXXXXXXX","BSSId":"74:83:C2:3A:74:83","Channel":5,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":66,"Signal":-67,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:04"}}
11:52:31.261 MQT: tele/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/SENSOR = {"Time":"2024-08-22T11:52:31","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2019-04-07T09:17:50","Total":173.588,"Yesterday":0.238,"Today":0.000,"Period":0,"Power":0,"ApparentPower":0,"ReactivePower":0,"Factor":0.00,"Voltage":230,"Current":0.000}}

So it seems I was succesfully guessing the command to be

Backlog grouptopic tasmotas

and now the Gosund Plug has the same group topic as the others.

But it doesn’t seem something changed. (I had reloaded the Tasmota integration).

Correct template ?

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Correct template ?

well, Tasmota-wise the Plug works perfectly!

It is just that It appears in HA (discovered and added) but it does neither provide its Value (Power, Voltage, etc.) nor it lets me control it.

So I can use the plug with the Tasmota Webui on it’s own, Switching on/off works.

I guess the Tasmota Template is proven to be correct then.

Older versions of Tasmota enabled SetOption19 for discovery, so it might need to be disabled now. Did you try console command “setoption19 0”?

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Thanky for your response.

I have tried to disable it, but it does not change the disabled On/Off Switch in the HA-UI.

So, I can still control via the Tasmota/SmartPlugs on WebUI, but not via HA.

I would try to verify direct MQTT commands — go to CONFIGURE for the MQTT integration and “Publish a Packet” for example send “TOGGLE” to cmnd/tasmota_1CD4AB/POWER should toggle the switch (visible in the web UI). If this doesn’t work then either the device isn’t connecting to the (same) MQTT server, or the “full topic” above is incorrect. Sometimes turning SetOption19 on and off will re-send the discovery packets with the right information.

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So… I did that

And sent it a couple of times, which worked great.

The Console on the Plug showed

19:21:54.869 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}
19:21:54.874 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/POWER = OFF
19:21:57.159 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
19:21:57.163 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/POWER = ON
19:21:57.788 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}
19:21:57.791 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/POWER = OFF
19:21:58.288 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
19:21:58.293 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/POWER = ON
19:21:58.740 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}
19:21:58.744 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/POWER = OFF
19:21:59.190 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
19:21:59.194 MQT: stat/GosundSP1_Tasmota2b/POWER = ON

As I would expect.

Still did not work, i.e. I could not control the Plug via HA.


SetOption19 1


SetOption19 0

Will remove and re-add the Plug into the Tasmota-Integration in realtime, but it still will not show Values nor let me control the switch :slightly_frowning_face:


I “solved” the problem.

I just realized any further trouble shooting just wastes more time than simply trying to reset the Plug.

Simply resetting and re-adding it to my WiFi… It works!

(just need to recalibrate the power… but thats manageable!)

Thanks for all the help nonetheless!

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