While some products turn out to be local only, often one still need firmware updates. This doesn’t technically make it a cloud product. In some cases, firmware updates are automatically applied. You might not be aware of this until it’s too late. Many users run separate VLANs to isolate their IoT network and block all Internet access, but not all users are savvy in this regard. The point is: This is a path via which a vendor can change from local control to cloud control.
A feature I’ve always missed on the integrations page is the ability to filter on the IoT class. It would be great to get this in the light of this newsletter to make it easier for users.
Another good discussion about why to avoid cloud-based solutions. I’m all for getting the word out in as many was as possible!
My only comment is around the question of firmware updates for your edge devices. Really it boils down to just one word: Why?
Once I’ve got, for example, a Zigbee device installed and communicating, I expect it to do whatever job I’ve tasked it with for as long as I need it to. I bought and configured it to do a very specific function. That’s all I want it to do, today and forever. I’ll never want, say, a temperature sensor to perform some other function, nor will it ever be able to, regardless of the firmware. Either it reports the temperature, or it doesn’t. No updates needed.
Totally. I don’t upgrade my devices unless there’s a good reason (fixed functionality that affects me or a security issue). This is unlike HA updates where I try my best to be up to date.