Nexia and Trane XL1050 / XL850 thermostat

I’m trying to figure out how to implement that without a breaking change.

How about a nexia.set_scheduled_hvac_mode that would not set a perm hold and accepted a hvac_mode param of hvac_mode: heat|cool.

That would also work, albeit, still a bit confusing (but so is “auto” vs “heat_cool”).

Since you have more flexibility in the nexia service calls, what about a new nexia.set_hvac_mode service call that takes in two parameters of “hvac_mode” and “hold_mode”? If either “hvac_mode” or “hold_mode” are None, leave them alone.

“hvac_mode” can be [“auto”, “heat”, “cool”] and “hold_mode” can be [“permanent”, “scheduled”].

Hello all. I am very new to HA and have been struggling trying to understand how everything works. I am not as sharp as I was 30 years ago when I could do a little programming in VAX VMS. Most all of you won’t know what that is, but that doesn’t matter.

I recognize there has been a lot of effort put into this particular card configuration. I’m not sure is card is the right word. I also see that there are only so many parameters the can be gleamed from the thermostats. However, on the TRANE website, when we login to our accounts, they seem to show a pretty nice graphic that functions just like our thermostats.

Here’s my question, if we can embed an active weather radar such as from, why cannot this nice functional graphic from TRANE be embedded as well?

Thank you.

My guess: Some graphic is a weblink to an image, in this case the link is displayed using one of the camera integrations.

Trane link is not image, it is webpage. You can use iframe integration or something similar to display the webpage. I don’t think this was goal here and goal was to provide view customized to HA.

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I’m having issues setting Aux Heat/Emergency Heat. It looks like at one point this was working, I’m wondering if they might have changed the api or something? Does anyone else have this working?

I’m using the following service to try to turn it on:

service: climate.set_aux_heat
  aux_heat: true
  entity_id: climate.living_room

Below is the error I’m getting in the logs, looks like a 400 response making me wonder if the url changed? ( I removed my houseid from the url)

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.script.websocket_api_script
Source: components/nexia/
First occurred: 7:43:45 AM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:52:18 AM

websocket_api script: Error executing script. Unexpected error for call_service at pos 1: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:

Anyone know if it’s possible to detect that a Trane XV20i heat pump is in defrost mode via this integration? I don’t actually know how to do it through the Nexia/Trane app or the thermostat directly, so it’s possible the data just isn’t there. I don’t have aux heat enabled, so I can’t use that as a proxy.

Please open an issue and provide debug logs for the nexia package.

My xv20i changes compressor speed to 43% when in defrost. I haven’t been able to see another indication of when it is in defrost other than this.

Will do. I thought I opened an issue, but did not include the debug. Can you link me to the proper repo to open the issue?

I followed the official documentation links and ended up here.

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I’m curious why my XL950 is not supported by this? It’s on the American Standard site? When I put my credentials in, it does pull in a ‘dummy’ automation I have.
Here is my thermostat online. I’m not quite sure why it’s any different than 850 or 1050.

Is there perhaps a difference in the JSON? Or is there something fundamentally different with my thermostat

I was wondering if you have gotten it to work with your 950 and the “American Standard Home” site? My 950 does not show up.

Answering my own question, I too had created a ‘group’ (really???) and once I deleted it, everything started working!

They aren’t supported because none of the maintainers have one.

If its works that is great, but no there are promises that we will fix it if it breaks since we don’t have one to test with.

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Good to know, if it breaks, I will do what I can to debug it.

I just flipped my system to cooling today for the first time. The system is cooling, the thermostat says cooling. However, home assistant and the trane home app are reporting “Heating” as the status.

This obviously isn’t an issue with the integration since the app is also reporting the status wrong. I’m just curious if anyone else is seeing this issue?

Hey, just started to use your addon. Everything seems to be working however, it doesn’t seem to be pulling the data. So if I make a command it will pull but letting it sit, even over a few hours, everything just stays the same. Any suggestions or is there a way I can force it to pull?


Would it be possible to make the RoomIQ sensors available as HA sensor entities? My main interest is for monitoring of the Z-Wave sensor battery levels, but it would also allow for tracking temperature and humidity on a per-sensor basis.

The information is already available to HA as shown in the following snippet from the diagnostics JSON output. It shows the on-board sensor on a ACONT1050 and a 930 Z-Wave sensor, both in the same zone and setup for averaging.

            "name": "room_iq_sensors",
            "sensors": [
                "id": <redacted>,
                "name": "Main Level",
                "icon": {
                  "name": "room_iq_onboard",
                  "modifiers": []
                "type": "thermostat",
                "serial_number": "NativeIDTUniqueID",
                "weight": 0.5,
                "temperature": 67,
                "temperature_valid": true,
                "humidity": 38,
                "humidity_valid": true,
                "has_online": false,
                "has_battery": false
                "id": <redacted>,
                "name": "Master Bedroom",
                "icon": {
                  "name": "room_iq_wireless",
                  "modifiers": []
                "type": "930",
                "serial_number": "<redacted>",
                "weight": 0.5,
                "temperature": 64,
                "temperature_valid": true,
                "humidity": 47,
                "humidity_valid": true,
                "has_online": true,
                "connected": true,
                "has_battery": true,
                "battery_level": 38,
                "battery_low": false,
                "battery_valid": true
            "should_show": true,
            "actions": {
              "request_current_state": {
                "href": "<redacted>/request_current_sensor_state"
              "update_active_sensors": {
                "method": "POST",
                "href": "<redacted>/update_active_sensors"

Also, I previously created a feature request before finding this thread. This thread seems like the better location for the enhancement request, so feel free to delete the feature request thread since I don’t appear to be able to.

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Did you figure this out? I’m looking to get an XL850/1050 to control my ventilation and dehumidification for my home. Very hard to find info on how the stock ventilate mode works. It would also be nice to fine tune ventilation in HA to my needs… like on for 20 minutes, off for 10, etc or even trigger ventilation based off my CO2 sensors.