Nextcloud number lookup for making calls (using your voice)

Making calls with home assistant
Oke i had this on the shef for some time. Got my proof of concept working during the voice contest. Got triggerd by the ability to use your headset as input.

But now its up and running

I can make calls with my assists. Now my project is mainly build around asterisk. But a side project to be used for anyone who wants to make calls with his phone using hass voice assist.

Getting your contact data from the cloud in a nice automated way was hard to find.

I use a paid tool(some euros) to sync my phone contracts to nextcloud.

Nextcloud has a db of vcards doing a search tskes some time.

We could make a addon that get a selection of nextcloud user data in a sql db from time to time and get a call in home assistant to query name or number.

With this and a tasker call script that listen for a ident you can make calls on your (android) phone.

Now this can be done with a addon only if im sure. (I tough an addon can provide actions to hass) and with some effort and some time i can do it my self.

But i would like to have some votes or feedback. To get some motivation to spend my dear time on.

Who wants a main google assist switch stopper Making a darn call checked from the todo list.

improved the sql query to work with 1st name only and with spelling errors.

No feedback. Lets continue with making messages for email sms and such.
Using the new ollama inferface

send my 1st sms using assist.

sending email tomorrow