Nextion LCD + homeassistant.service issue

I added bt0 in Nextion editor :

and in yaml

  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 0
    component_id: 17
    id: lightploshadka
        - homeassistant.service:
            service: light.turn_on
              entity_id: light.ploshadka 
        - homeassistant.service:
            service: light.turn_off
              entity_id: light.ploshadka           

  - platform: homeassistant   #status update
    id: pl_lights
    entity_id: light.ploshadka 
         - lambda: 'id(nextiondisplay1).send_command_printf("forecast.bt0.val=%d",id(pl_lights).state);'  

When I press bt0 - everything works as it should. Light is switching on and off. Frontend also shows correct states.

But when I switch light on from HA web (point 1) I can not any more control it from LCD (point 2) ESPhome node detects release event, but nothing happens. Status update works good and bt0 value changes to val=1.

What i am doing wrong?

baudrate:115200,Model:NX3224T024_011R(RTP),firmware Ver:S138

no one here?

I have the same issue

did you find a solution?

I have the same issue not able to communicate with the Nextion. I only see log but nothing happen on the screen but when I change the speed to 115200 it works!!

I am using the same code as you and getting the same results. Did you every fine a solution to the problem?

Hi @kolovsky did you find a solution for this problem as I have the same…


Good day! Nope :frowning:

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Use - component.update : nextion_ID