Hi everyone!
I just wanted to share a quick demo showcasing a Nextion (in fact TJC) touchscreen working with Esphome and HA together.
Used parts:
3.5inch TJC display (same as Nextion)
Wemos D1 mini
Passive buzzer
Home Assistant
The purpose of this project is to have a quick access to the important stuff from HA:
Mounted in the kitchen, it gives a convenient way (especially my wife) to quickly: order the vacuum to clean after cooking, play some radio, toggle lights and switches or just give an overview of the day (facebook birthdays, events, google calendar, temps, weather, etc.)
+1 for the share of your cool project that is really nice as others please share stl and code files so other people can enjoy it too
Thanks to you and congrats for the nice work !
Can you share how you connected the display to the D1 mini, how do you power it. Looks like the D1 mini is not in the main case as well?
What’s total cost of this project?
Sure, the display is connected via the 4 jumper cables to the Wemos: 5V, Gnd, TX, RX -> esphome
Yes, the D1 fits also in the case, laying in the back.
As for the total cost… not sure… depends on the HW used. But it costs more nerves than money for sure
Thanks for the interest
Initially I wasn’t prepared for sharing, but I set up a quick GitHub Repo here.
The esphomeYAML file is not ready to be shared yet… I still need to review it and fix some bugs.
But you may find some good info and resources.