Nexus 10 for Lovelace UI?

Hello. Has anyone attempted using a Nexus 10 for a Lovelace interface? I have a couple of old ones that I would like to repurpose. Has anyone installed an OS on them that would work well with Hassio/Lovelace?


I don’t have a Nexus 10, but a generic tablet.

You can install AppDaemon on your Home Assistant, make a panel and then opening it on your Nexus 10 with Chrome. Add the link to the homescreen and open it from there. The URL bar will then be gone and it will be truly full screen.

Then tape it to the wall with double-sided tape, put a power supply on it and voilá!

On my setup I’ve removed the battery and wired it directly inside. The cables go directly inside the wall, down and in the switch underneath. In the box underneath is also the power supply.

The tablet also launches the shortcut automatically, thanks to Automagic. It’s paid, but it really does 1001 things.

To boot the tablet automatically when power is applied (or back, in case of power outage), I’ve used
fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0