Is there anyone out there that have tried using NFC to trigger commands in their HA with a Smart Ring?
I’m in search of a way to trigger automations, lights and more when I read certain NFC tags with a Smart Ring.
I’ve still not bought any ring yet.
Since HA must be installed on the device running the NFC command, I don´t think that the ring would trigger the command itself.
But the way to do it is for the ring to use my phone to trigger the NFC command somehow.
Do you plan simple NFC ring or some kind of smart ring with NFC that pairs with other device?
HA doesnt need to be installed but device must be able to cause call to URL to occur. So if it is paired to a device that may call the URL or device can call URL directly then it can trigger action in HA through API call
Great insight!
Been looking at both NFC rings and Smart rings, not 100% sure what the difference is yet.
So technicly this would mean as long as your NFC ring is connected to the wifi and it´s able to call the URL?
I thought that you needed to be signed in to HA on your device to call commands within HA…?