NFC tags - do they have to open the HA app?

Hi all,

I’ve just bought a set of NFC tags to trigger automations. I was wondering whether there is a way to trigger an automation without it having to open the HA app? At the moment it seems a bit of an unnecessary step if the app is already running in the background why does it need to open? Is this an iOS or a HA setting?



Hey Tom,

Yes, that’s a limitation on apple’s side. You can set them up in the shortcuts app to call services though (without having to open an app/tap somewhere) - let me know if you need help!

IIRC iOS requires that you open the app to use NFC. The Android app does not have this requirement.

note: all memories are subject to interpretation and error as my mind sees fit. It is old and therefore cannot be held liable for improperly formatted remembrances.

Thanks both. It seems a bit like the Apple ‘automations’ which seem really well done until you find they’re not automatic as you have to approve them running. Seems to defeat the object of running some of them. I’d seen some HA bits in the HomeKit automations though, I just couldn’t get it to run automations, only scenes. I’ll keep working on it, not had them a day yet :slightly_smiling_face:

You can disable the approving for some automations. Including NFC and the Home Assistant call service :slight_smile:

Edit: if you already set the tag up via HA app, you’d have to erase them with another app (or use another tag) before it works.

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