I’m using the HASS.IO NGINX addon in combination with the DuckDNS addon and it works good. I can access via my DuckDNS url and access with local ip / hostname. Now I like to configurate NGINX to only allow access to specific ip’s. Especially Google IP range to use Google Assistant. Is this possible with the HASS.IO addon?
I have no port forwarding in my router but I have tried to forward port 80 to which is the IP of the Ubuntu Server where HASSIO is running but that does not work either.
I have not errors in the NGINX log
starting version 3.2.2
[INFO] Run nginx
My browser seems to translate http:// to https:// but does not connect to dashboard?
Please consider this part of the DUCKDNS docs:
“You’ll need to forward the port you listed in your configuration (8123 in the example above) on your router to your Home Assistant system.”
Thanks, not quite the same as I need. From the internet for example on my mobile, I want to enter http://domain1.duckdns.org which resolves to my router due to duckdns as I have dynamic IP from my ISP. I want this to then redirect to https://domain1.duckdns.org which then should resolve to HASSIO ip on my internal network.
You guys use https:// to start where I want http://
I need to know if I have to setup non addon version of ngnix and non addon versions of duckdns or lets encrypt or if the above can be achieved with HASSIO Addons. If manual setup I need step by step instructions to help.