Hi all,
Hope this is the correct section to post this.
I’ll explain my situation:
I have a NAS in which I have 2 VMs: Ubuntu and HA OS.
On Ubuntu i set up Traefik with ports 80 and 443 to work with my own domain and the other services i have on that. (this work perfectly with all subdomains in https).
On HA OS i just set up the port forwarding (on a different port → local 8123) on the router and I access HA with only http.
Last week i decided to try to set up DuckDNS with the addon and evertything went smoothly: I could access with https with the DuckDNS domain.
I just not want that anymore. Instead i want to connect to HA like i did the old way with my own domain but with https this time. (so that I can access locally too without going externally).
I tried to install the NGINX proxy manager addon but I can’t configure it with success. Can someone help me to make this work? I think the first step is to remove the DuckDNS?
Ok, so the configuration is dynamic?
I don’t know how trafik in docker work, but I’m pretty sure you can define custom, non-container related, rules, can’t you?