NGINX errors

Suddenly I can not access my home assistant using my address.
Everything only works locally using the local IP.
I restarted my raspberry several times but without success.
In the NGINX log I found this error repeated several times:

[error] 19 # 19: * 32 connect () failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: :: ffff:, server:, request: "GET / api / websocket HTTP / 1.1 ", upstream:" ", host:" "

I use Hassio with HA v. 0.83.2
DuckDNS v. 1.5
NGNX v. 2

I uninstalled and reinstalled NGNIX … now it do not show the errors above but my external address do not works…

403: Forbidden

After a lot of time… it works again… probably a Duckdns or Network problem… then after reboot it do not works again…