Been using NGINX greater than year and have several (low traffic) apps being proxied through this server.
Recently I update HA to 81.0 from 79.? and look like I getting time out errors.
Just curious, any recent breaking changes that may affect this? I look but didn’t notice any.
Internal connections are fast.
External through nginx rarely success connection. If so it take minutes. Logs show time out and connection resets but no matter change has no affect.
Figured it out. This is what happens when you make many changes at once.
Simply put, my Motioneye Container seems to have been attempting too many reconnects to cameras or similar and this really killed my servers LAN port throughput. I guess sort of a lite DDOS. WAN was really bad due to need to connect through external servers. It wasn’t til LAN connections also became unreliable that I figured this out.
I renewed SSL, changed domain providers, upgraded server, upgraded HA and a few other things all in the same 2 days that I noticed this issue occuring. This really put me in a spot where I could not trust anything and troubleshooting the error was harder.