NIBE Uplink API component (non S-series)

In auto it only report current temperature, but not the setpoint. My idea was to let the setpoint remain controlled by the pump. But I’m unsure if it works.

If it goes haywire again. Recheck nibeuplink again before you disable the entity.

Do I need to have NIBE Uplink Premium for this? Is it possible to control different settings on the pump with this component?

No one knows?

You only need premium for changing settingsm not for reading.

Looks like they have fixed your issue!
Will that make it easy to get into HACS then?

Today I arrived to a colder house than I expected. For some reason it seems like my defined thermostats had switched over to “off”. Probably after a restart of my HA system yesterday. This obviously leads to NIBE thinking that I want a temperature of 1 degree.

I don’t really know how this should work, but it would probably at least be good to be able to specify the operating mode in the thermostat configuration. Or to set it to heat/cool by default?

Hmm. Yes it should restore state. Will look at it. Off should have let the system work without termostats though.

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I wanted to try to add it to HACS, but it seems there’s a problem with downloading the nested folder contents (.translations, others as well but they don’t matter).
I’ve opened up an issue in the HACS repo ( to check why that is

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HACS can now successfully install the Nibe component

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I am failling to configure the nibe api, during integration I reach to the reCaptcha and click on accept - then all I get is a blank screen respons from http://localhost:8123/api/nibe/auth?code=*************************************************************************************************.
The blank screen respons stays for ever, and HA never returns. If I click back to HA using the browser it is still displaying " Authorize home assistant for nibe". And nibe is still not configured…

I am at my whits end and in deep need for help!

Hello everybody!
I have also sucsesfully installed the Nibe compunent via HACS
But i can’t even reach reCapatcha

I only recieve the message
The callback URL (http://10.0.045:8123/api/nibe/auth) is not allowed for this client.

So im in the same deep need for help as Göran!

Then the URL you provided on nibes homepage page as redirect URL doesn’t match. The one you configured in the configuration of the plug-in.

@segran and your nibe install is actually available at localhost:8123?

Cant find it in HACS… has it been removed??

Did you add the repository as a custom one? The component is not in the default HACS list

Ah, i forgot to use api/nibe/auth at the end at nibes homepage. I thought i only had to use it in the plug-in. Now it’s working. Great work!

How do I do that?

I wanted to link to the HACS documentation, but it seems that does not describe custom repositories for some reason.
The process is simple:

  1. Go to the Settings page of HACS
  2. There will be a section called Custom Repositories
  3. Add the GitHub URL ( and select Integration for the Category

EDIT: it is also described on the Readme of the GitHub repository btw

That should be it, when you’ve saved that repository it might take a while for it to show up, after that, it will be available in the HACS store

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I’m just getting a blank page…