NIBE Uplink API component (non S-series)


First of all, thanks for a great Custom Component, works great!

I wonder if its possible to get the “Notifications” information from the Nibe Uplink API.
If you log in to Nibe Uplink, and go to History->Information Messages, you can se all alarms and warnings from the system.
It looks like you can retrieve this information from the API with an GET on " api/v1/systems/{systemId}/notifications",

Is there any config option already implemented in Configuration.yaml to get the latest notification message as an entity?

It would be good to have this, as you could send an push notice from homeassistant whenever the heating system gets an alarm.

Best Regards,

Well. Some notification should be hooked up to normal ha notifications. But the available notifications seem quite limited. I don’t seem to be getting any sadly.

If you type in http://localhost:8123 in your browser, can you reach Home Assistant?
If not, the adress is wrong.
My bet is the adress is not correct.

Use IFTTT for notifications from Nibe.

Thanks for the tip, havnt heard of IFTTT, will look it up.

Is there anyway to get the code from github to paste in Lovelace raw config editor to have all sensors added? I mean in neat groups like on first install.

I have re-installed this integration and re-building all cards and groups in Lovelace is not the most fun.

Any one else that got nibe killed by last HA update?

Log Details (ERROR)
Thu Nov 21 2019 15:47:35 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
Error while setting up platform nibe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 150, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 442, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/config/custom_components/nibe/", line 107, in async_setup_entry
    sensors = await async_load(hass, uplink)
  File "/config/custom_components/nibe/", line 97, in async_load
    await load_categories(system.system_id, unit[CONF_UNIT])
  File "/config/custom_components/nibe/", line 66, in load_categories
    data = await uplink.get_categories(system_id, True, unit_id)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nibeuplink/", line 207, in get_categories
    {"parameters": str(parameters), "systemUnitId": unit_id},
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nibeuplink/", line 74, in get
    "GET", f"{self.base}/api/v1/{url}", *args, **kwargs
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nibeuplink/", line 168, in request
    response = await self.session.request(*args, auth=await self._get_auth(), **kw)
TypeError: request() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given

This looks like it was my component update. But can’t be sure

Do you need anything more from me? I could not find anything else in the logs. Unfortunately I can’t downgrade the component as I can with most of the other one in HACS to verify this for you either.

Don’t think so. You could grab an older version for now as long as you are on python 3.6 or 3.7

I’m on pyhyon 3.7.4. could you link me to s older version? Can’t seam to find which one to use on git.

git checkout 320e0be7a080fa21a0763e3ff114fbc69778d7ab

I’m really sorry, I don’t get git things as well as I want to…
Are you saying that this is the only thing I need to change?

edit: or should I just add ATTR_HVAC_MODE to my file?

Edit 2: never mind I googled the answer. I can’t access my PC at the moment so I have to wait until s fix is released


I think the last update via HACS crashed some sensors, like outside temp and other sensors. Are anyone else have the same problem?

And one more thing. I saw that I use my (old) duck dns adress as callback url but nowadays I use NAbu Casa to get remote access. Shall I put that adress as callback? It don’t have a port in the URL just a long https adress.


The breakage should be solved in master now.

You can’t use nabucasa callback now. You must use a callback directly to the hass system. You don’t need any ports open thou. Just as long as it’s accessible from the webbrowser you use when you link the accounts. After that it’s not needed anymore.

1 Like

Yes it is, I have tried using the explicit ip-adress as well, same result - only a blank, empty screen.

Try a different webbrowser. Maybe you get some popup blocker doing something strange. For example your mobile phone.

So if I understand I set callback to the same as my local ip

But I only need this when setting up - if the integration is set up then it don’t matter. Mine is set up so… just need to copy paste the new master files, or shall I wait for hacs update?

Perfect! Updated via Hacs and my sensors are back! Thanks!

Same problem again after update to latest version of HASS.