NIBE Uplink API component (non S-series)

In the URL for NibeUplink it is written

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I have opened a communication channel to Nibe/VĆølund to see if I can find some more details on the Smart Home mode.

thank you

I just checked the code myself, and it seems there actually should be a way with most of the current code.
Under the hood it loads in the statuses and checks those for the current mode (heating, cooling, etc).

The problem is with how these statuses are processed, it check for the existence of ā€˜heatingā€™ inside if the statuses. Since passive cooling makes use of the heating circuit, it also actives the ā€˜Heating Medium Pumpā€™ status, and the component then assumes the pump is actually heating.

EDIT: Iā€™ve added a report on the github page as well (

Hi @tmatheussen many thanks for your work. Would be great to have the status when heating or passive cooling is on :+1:t2:

It seems that itā€™s working :slight_smile: thanks!
However I donā€™t use the NIBE RMU or SMU thermostats itself, but the alpha2 Mohlenhoff room thermostats.

Hey guys,

A little confused with the Smart home integration of thermastats and Climate System S1 in terms of how they work together.

I have created 4 Thermostats based off my 4 Xiamo sensors
I have those thermostats set to 21 degrees in HA, and set to Auto.
However my Climate System S1 is on 22 degrees, I have not set this, and I cannot change this. It just keeps reverting to 22 after a few seconds no matter what i set there.

As a test I call a service nibe.set_thermostat

system: 12345
id: 1
name: Kitchen Thermostat
  - 1
target_temperature: 21

Screenshot 2020-06-30 at 19.52.40

This goes through and changes the Climate System S1 temperature both on the NIBE Thermostats page, Status page and then replicates back onto HA where I can see it on the dashboard also.

However, if i try to change the target temp on the Kitchen Thermostat (or others) on the dial it self, it does nothing to update the NIBE uplink.

After a while the Kitchen Thermostat looses its Target temperature in Uplink and goes back to (ā€“). Images attached.

Screenshot 2020-06-30 at 19.59.40

I am not sure why this isnt working, its as if target_temperature isnt being written to by home assistant from the Thermostats?

This is my NIBE config, perhaps im missing something stupid in it?

    - system: 12345
        - unit: 0
          categories: True
        - unit: 1
          categories: True
          name: 'Blueroom Thermostat'
          current_temperature: sensor.sensor_bedroom_blueroom_temperature
          systems: 1
          name: 'Office Thermostat'
          current_temperature: sensor.0x00158d0002bf9a93_temperature
          systems: 1
          name: 'Snug Thermostat'
          current_temperature: sensor.snug_temperature
          systems: 1
          name: 'Kitchen Thermostat'
          current_temperature: sensor.motion_kitchen_temperature
          systems: 1

For the thermostats to control target temperature they need to be in HEAT_COOL mode. AUTO mode means ā€œlet the pump decideā€ and only report current temperature.

Thanks for the response as always @elupus I did not know that!

For Climate System S1 does that need to be in any particular mode? I am assuming that has to be in Heat/Cool also? But then it gives me two temperatures to pick from. Or does this one stay in HEAT mode?

Iā€™ve managed to get the S1 value to update, based on the ā€œSmart homeā€ Thermostats, however no heating comes on. The way NIBE operates blows my little brains out as I struggle to grasp some of the logic in the SMO20 unit. But surely, if S1 target is set to 21, then it should turn the heat on if the room temp is 19.1?

Also, sometimes when you change your thermostat temp, it doesnt latch and just changes to what it was before. Has anyone else had this experience?

Sorry for what probably seem like dumb questions :blush:

The mode of the S1 unit doesnā€™t matter.

It wonā€™t turn on just for that. It uses a concept of gradminuter. It accumulate the difference between wanted temperature and current temperature over time. If this sum goes under a limit. (-150 often). It starts heating.

Ah ok is that basically what the DegreeMinutes is all about? AS you can see our installer didnt really explain it all very well to us.

Whats the best way to test this then, or do I literally just have to wait?

Hi! I tried to follow the guide for integrate nibe in home assistant. Going for the manual way, just copy the extracted zipfile into guided folder, and changed name and so on.

But the setup step 1 (enter only nibe: in the configuration.yaml) seems to stop me.
I cant validate the config in home assistant. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Did you manage to get the boost_three_hours-bug fixed in some way?
I have the same problem :confused:

@Voune install using HACS instead. Just add my repo as a additional repository. Then you get updates properly. You have likely not properly added the files.

@mikkelkaas My guess is the documentation is just invalid. The only supported thing is to kick of a one time boost. There is no support to start anything but that.

@mikkelkaas @Christian_Hollbjar iā€™ve updated the plugin to only support selection of one time boost and auto mode. Any other request will be rejected, so as to not confuse the user.

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I did some restarts of HA after every step and then it worked. For future users who get stuck, this helped me after reading this thread. Thanks @elupus for your work!


Yeah I can see that - and the documentation says a ā€œ1ā€ is a ā€œ3 hour boostā€, when itā€™s actually just a one time boost.

Iā€™ve created a NodeJs scraper that can change the setting for me by mimicking logging in to and clicking through the interface


I just installed 0.117 and the components fails to install with following error message

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for nibe: Unable to import component: cannot import name ā€˜resolve_typesā€™ from ā€˜attrā€™ (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/attr/

Is this only me?


Totally new to and Iā€™m trying to understand how the whole automation thingy is working. I have everything up and runnig, including the integration for my Nibe F750. How would I go about to get the ventilation boost to kick in when my temperatur/humidity sensor reaches a certain value? I canā€™t get it to activate the boost and Iā€™m not sure what to doā€¦
