NIC/IP screwed up after upgrade to 8.x

I am running supervised HAOS with 2 nics.

When upgrading to 8.0 or 8.1. it disables the first nic, and sets the second nic to dynamic IP.
If I then from the GUI try to change it back it says it cant find the interface. (enX0 or enX1)

If I try from the console/cli it says the same but the “network info” command shows that the interface is called en1X and is set to auto. If I change to static it says it cannot find the iterface.

Buggy version 8.x?

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I just updated from 8.0 to 8.1 and it looks like mine got disabled, too. Trying to figure out how to get it back now.

UPDATE - I had to do “ha network update eth0 --ipv4 -method auto” (from the CLI, without the quotes) to get my HA back. Definitely seems like a bug with the updater.

Seems to be fixed now in version 8.2.
The upgrade changed the NIC configuration, but now I could change it back to the desired state.