Nice App with BiDi Wifi Gate Automation

Hi there! I have just had the following installed, a BiDi wifi controller setup with the MyNice app (not mynice welcome or mynice pro)

Is there anyway I can automate this with homeassistant?

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Bidi WiFi with stock firmware can’t connect to Home Asisstant.
But hardware is ESP32 and we can use any custom firmware.
I have beta version ESPhome component for bust4 protocol (for esp32).
Its not stable but works.

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Hello Pruwait, to program the esp32wroom on the bidiwifi, must it be desoldered!
You say your program is not stable what are the problems?
Thank you in advance, I would like to try to modify my bidiwifi on a Nice portal.

Is it possible to have new of this ?
Can we have the position opening ?

You must use testpoints rx, tx, io0, en


a few weeks ago I completed your circuit, and it works with the Nice FILO400 as well. I also disassembled the BiDiWifit, and I will use it for this purpose, although the ESP8266 version worked too. The only issue was that the PCB board you made is too tall, so I couldn’t screw the cover back on and had to extend it with cables to the connector. Otherwise, everything worked on the first try. I set up the script in ESPHOME for the sliding gate.