Niko Home Control


New user of Home Assistant Green !

I am trying to get my Niko Home Control working with it.
I followed all steps as described but I get this error when I try to connect.
The IP address I found via the Niko Home Control programming software. When i use a network scanner on my phone I found some different IP addresses published as Niko but these don’t work neither…
I tried putting the IP address with http:// as well…

Can anyone help me ? Thanx !

Do I need to configure something in the Niko Software ? allow some connection ?

I have the same issue here also.

The same issue occurs here: if you navigate directly to the IP address, Niko Home Control denies access for security reasons. Now, we need to find a way to enable this.

Here’s the deal:
Natively, HA only supports NKC I. NHC II must be added via cutom integrations. It took some research to find out, because I am a noob.
Please read here: GitHub - joleys/niko-home-control-II: Home Assistant Custom Integration for Niko Home Control II, section “How to get it running”.
It may seem challenging, but it worked for me.
Just follow the instructions step by step there, on HA site and on and it will get you to finally enter Niko API key and you are there.