Nilan hvac/heatpump

Hi I have a danish brand ventilation system/heatpump/hotwater model Nilan compact S

i am using it with mqtt and climate component but i cant get the actual running state shown in HA

because there is only theese predeterminated modes
A list of supported modes. Needs to be a subset of the default values.
Default value:
[“auto”, “off”, “cool”, “heat”, “dry”, “fan_only”] and i have all these modes it can be in
0 : Off
1 : Shift
2 : Stop
3 : Start
4 : Standby
5 : Ventilation stop
6 : Ventilation
7 : Heating
8 : Cooling
9 : Hot water
10 : Legionella
11 : Cooling + hot water
12 : Central heating
13 : Defrost
14 : Frost secure
15 : Service
16 : Alarm

I am new to HA and i couldent find a way around this


I think the modes you list are not the modes you can activate, but states the system might be in. I call is StateDisplay, and it’s read only.

There is a different input for this, modeSet that is read/write.

I always have it on auto, so i have not played with adding this as a climate component.

I’m trying to compensate for it believing the bathroom temp is relevant, still work in progress.