Nimly lock, with Zigbee module

This is what my reply from the support told me is possible from native ZHA.
Seems it covers the most important but how to implement it?

Kim Vainiomäki (Nimly)

6 apr. 2023 10:07 CEST

Detta kan du göra:

  • Lägga till och ta bort användare
  • Öppna/Låsa
  • Ändra ljudvolym
  • Aktivera autolock
  • Se vem som låst upp och på vilket sätt (Kalle låste upp med fingeravtryck)

Do you have the gateway?
Or how did you add the user fingerprints?

No I don’t have the gateway. Connected with ZHA.
But there is a lot of stuff on the device but I don’t know how to config.
Fingerprints added via the lock it self.

My lock only reports when users added through zigbee opens the door, but it does not report the user id… and it does not report when users added through the lock keypad opens the door.
And I am not able to remove or change user access once they’ve been added through Z2M.

Nope, I dont have the gateway. Since I had problems with associating using the older chip/firmware, all user configuration was done manually, via the keypad.

I can do all of the issues on the list, except the last one, via z2m. Since nimly’s gateway uses the zigbee information on who/how the lock was unlocked, this should be possible to do via either zha or z2m, but I am not able to.

So I have opened Nimly PRO / Onesti / easyCodeTouch_v1 - Not fully supported - How to improve? · Issue #17205 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub for z2m. If anyone is able to to see who/how the lock was unlocked, please tell me which method you are using.


I have two Nimly Touch Pros, both with the zigbee module installed.

I’ve been trying to get the locks to pair to a Conbee2-USB-stick through deconz, but without any success. Has anybody here actually tried the deconz-setup and that confirm that it is working?

Is there anything more in general to add to the pairing process other than removing the batteries in the lock and reinsert them? Both locks blink the blue light after this, but no pairing gets registered in deconz/HA.

The locks have some distance to the actual Conbee2-stick, but are really close to plugs that should relay the signal.

I think that you will need to open the “chassi” start pairing process, and hold the button on the chip, until it blinks yellow quickly. Blue => bluetooth, Yellow => zigbee.
I think you have an older firmware, I got a new chip that worked correctly, but I did manage to pair, with the old, by physically clicking the button.

Hej, I just installed the Nimly Pro, and I also have HA with ZHA and Skyconnect, but when I try to pair the lock with ZHA, it stalls in the “Starting interview”-status. I have tried several times to reset the Zigbee module but with the same result. Did it work directly for you or do you recognize this? Thank you in advance!

I just got mine working. ZHA just gave me lock/unlock. Dropped ZHA and installed zigbee2mqtt, and can control autolock and users too. Had to reset multiple times for it to join the Zigbee network, but it eventually worked

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Ok, are you able to see who unlocked etc as well then? Does it work also with finger prints?

Hi! Sorry for the late replay.
I use HA-Native.
I can only see that the lock have been locked/unlocked. Not by whom.
And I can in HA unlock or lock.

@fayoh No my kids are not kids anymore. But i think the fingerprint reader is good. So I don’t think that is mutch of an issue. Just register 4 finger/person and I think yous should be fine.

Lars, what dongle do you use for Z2M? I have an old Conbee 1 but it’s not working well, it connects, and maybe you can unlock once, then it’s not working anymore. Thank you in advance!

Not so far, but haven’t tested adding

I have a sonoff.

Anybody who got all features working together with deCONZ and ConBee II?

Bumping this one as I really would like to hear from someone who has tried this lock together with deCONZ and preferably Conbee II.

I’ve had partial success with ConBee II and ZHA

Lock & Unlcok works well. I’ve managed to change sound volume with the development tools. With a Quirk I might have gotten battery status to work properly (I’ll await an actual change in battery level before I share anything).

I’ve seen other developers mention that the lock sends who signed in as well as false attempts on (memory fails me but 100 and 103 feels about right).

I have the exact same issue, I get the entity status upon the pairing and then it dies.

I have a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge | Zigbee 3.0 and I’m using ZHA.

I have tried to repair and power off and on the lock several times. Still I get the same result. I wonder if the Zigbee module has old firmware that would need an update? But I’m not sure how I can accomplish this in anyway… I don’t have the Nimly Connect Gateway, which I presume is needed to update the firmware on the Zigbee module.

Just wanted to chime in, I have similar problems. (I have a CC2652RB stick and Z2M)
The lock pairs and works fine for a while, then the connection dies.

Smells a lot like a firmware issue. None of the other ~50 devices on my network has this problem.

I am talking to Nimly support (Same guy as in the beginning of this thread :slight_smile:), but I have not yet had any concrete response.

The lock does have a Micro USB connector inside it, so a F/W upgrade might be possible, but there is no info about this on their support pages…

@JesperWe Then it seems like we have the same hardware setup and I’m struggling quite a bit to get the module to connect at all.

Does your module behave as the instructions say, that both the orange and blue led blinks during pairing?
For me only the blue led blinks.
I have too been in contact with the same guy at Nimly support and got a new module directly from him that behaves exactly the same way as the other two I have tried.
Any hint on how you have done to get it paired? I have tried removing batteries and resetting module several times.

@TheQue42 do you have any inputs if you did anything special in order to pair? And did the module you get from Nimly support behave as the instructions say? (both orange and blue led blinking)