NIU Scooter Lovelace / Node-Red

After building this for some months now it is time to share.

This is the lovelace view for my NIU Scooter. This view is optimized for mobile (same layout on desktop!) And shows me all the relevant information I want to see concerning my scooter and last rides,…

You can find more details here:

Love to hear what you think!

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Wow …good

first try for component

looks amazing! would love to see the rest of your dashboard if you’re doing it all in this style.

This just stopped working for me. I’m just getting messages about invalid tokens. Anyone else had the same issue?

You need to create a new token every half year I guess, this makes it work again

I don’t seem able to find the token anymore, and I’m probably being ignorant but I can’t see anything that shows how to get the token.

There are different way you can retrieve your token one of them can be found here on lower part of the page

Is this still working. As i’m follow the page, but dont get sensor information and get a config error.

Do you mind updating the github?

" Your manually configured MQTT sensor(s) needs attention

This stops working in version 2022.12.0. Please address before upgrading.

Manually configured MQTT sensor(s) found under platform key `sensor`.

Please move the configuration to the `mqtt` integration key and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue. See the [documentation](, for more information."