Nixle - Alert Notifications

I currently receive local alert notifications from a service called Nixle ( They provide severe weather and traffic alerts, criminal activities and more. Although I am receiving them as a text on my phone I thought it might be useful to have this in Home Assistant so I could send out tts & persistent notifications and possible automations based on the alert. I took a look at the website but couldn’t find any information regarding an API however was hoping someone might be able to figure out a way. If it can’t be added as a component would anyone know a way of capturing the text that is sent into HA? This does look like it might only be available in the U.S.

I think this might be the swagger docs for the Nixle API:

I’ve been meaning to sink my teeth into writing a Hassio integration. If I can find some time, I might give this a shot, as I too would like to have my Hassio be notified when a Nixle notification comes through.

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