I was wondering if someone could help me with solving the following error I’m having with some of the code… the CI error shows:
Error: homeassistant/components/velbus/climate.py:74: error: Returning Any from function declared to return “HVACMode” [no-any-return]
Error: homeassistant/components/velbus/climate.py:74: error: No overload variant of “get” of “dict” matches argument type “str” [call-overload]
homeassistant/components/velbus/climate.py:74: note: Possible overload variants:
homeassistant/components/velbus/climate.py:74: note: def get(self, bool, /) → HVACMode | None
homeassistant/components/velbus/climate.py:74: note: def get(self, bool, HVACMode, /) → HVACMode
homeassistant/components/velbus/climate.py:74: note: def [_T] get(self, bool, _T, /) → HVACMode | _T
This is the code where I get the cooling mode for the thermostat…
def hvac_mode(self) -> HVACMode:
"""Return the current hvac mode based on cool_mode message."""
True: HVACMode.COOL,
False: HVACMode.HEAT,
return COOL_MODE_MAP.get(self._channel.get_cool_mode())
any idea how to rewrite this to not have an any return?